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Beginning Arduino workshop for undergraduates

Beginning Arduino workshop for undergraduates

Arduino microcontrollers are simple computers used to build circuits with sensors that interface with a variety of components and output devices. Artists, environmental researchers collecting data like temperature and humidity, and robotics engineers all utilize Arduino. 

In this workshop, participants will learn the parts of the Arduino microcontroller and utilize resistors, switches, a breadboard and light emitting diodes LEDs to build a circuit. Attendees will become familiar following schematic diagrams and write the program for the Arduino software (IDE) to make their project work. 

No prior knowledge of Arduino is required. All hardware and supplies provided. This 90-minute workshop will be taught by the Emerging Technologies Librarian, Andrew Johnson and include an orientation to McBay Science Library Makerspace technology and instruction offerings, like resin 3D printing and textiles equipment. 

This workshop is free and open to all UGA undergraduates. Limited to four participants. Please RSVP on the McBay Science Library Makerspace calendar. 

Related LibGuide: UGA Libraries Makerspace by Andrew Johnson

Monday, April 17, 2023
10:30am - 12:00pm
Science Library
  Undergraduate Students  
Registration has closed.

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